All year round our cultural associations animate the region and organise monthly plays, performances, dance productions, musical concerts...

L'Imagiscène-Centre Culturel de Terrasson offers a multidisciplinary programme all year round (theatre, music, circus arts, marionettes, dance and visual arts). The artistic project is essentially focused on young audiences and artistic and cultural education. L'Imagiscène also presents the summer festival "Les Chemins de l'Imaginaire" which takes place every second week-end of July. Find the programme and all the practical information on the website

Itinérance Culturelle en Terrassonais
The association ensures the development and promotion of the performing arts in rural areas, with a quality ambition, to attract a larger and more diversified audience, and to unite local efforts in organising events that could not be achieved on their own.
The association is backed by the cultural associations of 6 municipalities in the area (La Feuillade, Ladornac, Pazayac, Beauregard de Terrasson, Condat-sur-Vézère, Saint-Rabier), the Dordogne department, and the Departmental Cultural Agency as well as the community of municipalities of the Terrassonnais in Périgord noir-Thenon-Hautefort.

La Chamade
La Chamade is an association of theatre enthusiasts that organises an open-air theatre festival in the summer on Place de la Marzelle in Terrasson-Lavilledieu. La Chamade is also a year-round theatre school for children.
The programme remains eclectic, as well as the propositions of the professional troupes that come to the festival.